Wednesday, September 30, 2009
IS-lM links of the day 9-30-09
Can seasonality be traded profitably (CSS)
Short-trades are leading the upswing (WSJ)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
IS-LM links of the day 9-29-09
A fair critique on why France is denouncing GDP as a measure of a country's wealth (WSJ)
A long term look at the VIX (VIX and more)
Which way does causality go with poverty and obesity (Slate)
In the newest installment of: and you call this news? The Times reports that 7 daughters of Goldman employees are sluts (NYT)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friedman Fact of the Day
IS-LM links of the day 9-25-09
Christina Romer says "Over? No, the recession isn't over" (WSJ)
Debit sucks as much as credit for the financially un-savvy (Cheap Talk)
An article on how financial services companies stick it to us with their innovative products and the case for a vanilla option (RortyBomb)
Can countries slash carbon emissions without harming growth? (Harvard)
A great idea re: gift bags coming out of the Clinton Global Initiative (NYT/Freakonomics)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Likely Nobel Prize Candidates
Predictions courtesy of Thomson Reuters.
Economic Heroes
I think a spinoff of the argument is that, even if the majority of economists did have reverence towards deceased economists, they don't and probably can't feel the same way towards contemporaries. Dead economists, yes, people have the grace to honor the deeds and accomplishments of economists who came before them, but live contemporaries, no. I think this can best be supported from Klein himself: in his paper he offers a list of possible economic heroes:
such as Smith, Mill, Marx, Marshall, Veblen, Keynes,
Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, Galbraith, and Friedman.
One theme resonates through this list: the fact that all of those included are deceased. Additionally, I feel there is a serious omission from this list: he left out Paul A. Samuelson whose accomplishments would rate as one of the greatest of all time! I suggest that Klein overlooked Samuelson specifically because he is still alive. I don't consider this a major failing, just an interesting observation that could have been overlooked in his analysis.
If I were more cynical, I would argue that economists' pride in their own talent and intelligence precludes them from remonstrating to the mind of another. Those economists would decry their untimely date of birth which precluded them from publishing the same insights that won others acclaim. It goes without saying that this type of reasoning would have to work on a subconscious, or at the very least unspoken, level.
IS-LM links of the day 9-24-09
The Soviets have a doomsday device and its still active (Wired)
Matthew Lynn declares winners and losers of the recession (Bloomberg)
Another opine on bank pay and the crisis (WSJ)
How Richard Posner became a Keynesian (New Republic)
Paul Farrell plots an anti-Michael Moore film espousing Reaganomics (MarketWatch)
CS Lewis's interesting observations (Chicago Boyz)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hayek Original Haiku of the Day
Listening to this
blunts my senses like a fog
where did I flee to?
And a calculus one that has probably been invented before but felt good to create something intelligent:
The quotient rule: high
d low minus low d high
over low times low.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
IS-LM links of the day 9-22-09
Ford's Free Trade story of the day (WSJ)
Monday, September 21, 2009
IS-LM links of the day 9-21-09
Greg Mankiw on Healthcare (NYT)
Tyler Cowen questions whether bank pay contributed to the crisis (MR)
The evolution of divorce: Class-based divorce (National Affairs)
Krugman vs Cochrane (Modeled Behavior)
A hilarious post on BofA's response to a House inquiry (Dealbreaker)
GM still has a massive quandery to ponder (Felix Salmon)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday's inspired poetry
This one was inspired by my econ professors:
data sweet data
SAS will strip, clean, and crunch you
so I can publish.
I want the money
I will do most anything
to fill up my account.
When you have no clue
just start talking until your
questioner gives up.
When you're in meetings
to sound important, speak in
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Obama on Healthcare
The conventional wisdom is that Hillary Clinton failed because she presented a plan and it was shot down. So it is really clever to not have a plan, and instead to get behind something that will pass and call it a plan. (Speaking of Hillarycare, its main source of funding was going to be cuts in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements that everybody knew would never be adopted in practice. Apparently, Baucuscare retains that feature. The NY Times rounds up more commentary on the Baucus plan, which itself is not fully spelled out, although it runs to 225 pages.) If our democracy penalizes those who spell out their plans and rewards those who do not, then that is one more bad mark against our democracy.
I concur with Kling that it is very tricksy that Obama should continue to invoke "his" plan where none exists. But I wouldn't go so far as to say that it is "lying". (An aside: if Kling were a member of Congress he wouldn't be allowed to disseminate such utterances, reference). I would rather characterize it as quite deliberate politicking that he should allow the members of Congress to write, debate, revise, and pass a healthcare bill with only the most broad and general outlines of a plan that he could call his own (only bullet points really). While the media lambasts "Baucuscare", Obama will be left in the clear to mull with his mediocre approval ratings.
While I strongly believe that this approach is very smart and calculated, I don't think that this "hands-off" approach to governance is wise in the long-run. In the short term: it is unlikely that with a Democratic majority in Congress they will pass a plan that he radically disagrees with, but he is gambling with not having a big enough impact on an issue that obviously means a great deal to him. For instance, the public option is the point that most leftists want to see, and by-and-large seems to be fading in importance in all of the bills under consideration (to garner moderate support). In the long run, the risk Obama is playing with is not creating enough of a legislative imprint to be of any historical interest save for his election in the first place.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
IS-LM links of the day 9-16-09
Great Economics Equations (Environmental Economics)
-This guy definitely needs a quantity theory of money equation; Friedman would be mortified that his license plate (MV=PY) missed the cut
Interactive Labor Graph (flare)
The three most popular books at Guantanamo (Comment Central)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Washington Post is on its way out the door
I like what Brad Delong has to say about the Washington Post.
I was able to pick up a free copy on my way out the door of my apartment complex and read it on the train. After two weeks of reading it from cover to cover I stopped picking it up and paid a subscription to the Wall Street Journal instead. That's right. My demand for Washington Post newspapers at a price that is zero is also zero, not nonzero like a downward-sloping demand curve would normally suggest!
I had a college friend come stay at my apartment with me and my girlfriend during the "trial period" previously alluded to. After reading only a page or two she puts the paper down, folds it, and says to me, "are all the articles this liberal or is it just the Sunday paper?" I laughed and agreed with her sentiment. (We both graduated with BAs in Economics and went on to graduate studies in Econ, so we're probably center-right).
Now, the only thing WaPo is good for are manufacturer's coupons in the Sunday edition (the paper goes unread back to the community pile). Only because when I show them to my girlfriend, her face lights up like a light (she loves saving money as much as I do-I'm a notorious miser; I pick up change everywhere).
What do you get when you combine an entire staff of writers with sophomoric ability and left-wing policy stances? Reduced readership and declining advertising.
Rediscovered Classic
From one point of view my studying economics was the result of accidental blind chance. Prior to graduating from high school I was born again at 8:00 a.m., January 2, 1932, when I first walked into the University of Chicago lecture hall. That day's lecture was on Malthus's theory that human populations would reproduce like rabbits until their density per acre of land reduced their wage to a bare subsistence level where an increased death rate came to equal the birth rate. So easy was it to understand all this simple differential equation stuff that I suspected (wrongly) that I was missing out on some mysterious complexity.
I have always believed that the people who are good at what they do either work hard or have an innate ability. And for people who are really good, and Paul Samuelson was the best, they not only work very hard but they also more than three standard deviations away from the mean in terms of ability. Not only that, but they like what they do.
And my favorite quote:
Always, I have been overpaid to do what has been pure fun.
I know that I have never been wanted to be considered overpaid, even by my own standards. But the sentiment is so heartening and selfless that I feel moved by it.
IS-LM links of the day 9-15-09
Cochrane and Zingales on one year after Lehman (WSJ)
Protectionism likely to rise (WSJ)
Krugman on the backlash from his magazine article (NYT)
Wine tastes different based on expectations (Science Daily)
Profile of Mr. Bubble-Robert Shiller
BIS Economist dampens mood, warns of double dip recession (FT)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
John Cochrane goes academic ape-s*** on Paul Krugman
My favorite part of the article is:
Most of the article is just a calumnious personal attack on an ever-growing enemies list, which now includes “new Keyenesians” such as Olivier Blanchard and Greg Mankiw. Rather than source professional writing, he plays gotcha with out-of-context second-hand quotes from media interviews. He makes stuff up, boldly putting words in people’s mouths that run contrary to their written opinions. Even this isn’t enough: he adds cartoons to try to make his “enemies” look silly, and puts them in false and embarrassing situations. He accuses us of adopting ideas for pay, selling out for “sabbaticals at the Hoover institution” and fat “Wall street paychecks.” It sounds a bit paranoid.
It’s annoying to the victims, but we’re big boys and girls. It’s a disservice to New York Times readers. They depend on Krugman to read real academic literature and digest it, and they get this attack instead. And it’s ineffective. Any astute reader knows that personal attacks and innuendo mean the author has run out of ideas.
That’s the biggest and saddest news of this piece: Paul Krugman has no interesting ideas whatsoever about what caused our current financial and economic problems, what policies might have prevented it, or what might help us in the future, and he has no contact with people who do. “Irrationality” and “spend like a drunken sailor” are pretty superficial compared to all the fascinating things economists are writing about it these days.
How sad. (emphasis mine)
It may be hard for Paulie to sit down for a couple of days after that academic spanking from the Chicago school. You didn't really expect all the freshwater guys to just sit buy and let you take cheap shots at them, did you?
IS-LM links of the day 9-11-09
A back-to-back good post by Scott Sumner (Money Illusion)
It pays to be nice (Newsweek)
Pat Buchanan asks if America is falling apart (WND)
Blueprint for regulation (Taunter)
Consumer sentiment is UP (Bloomberg)
Theodore Moran: When is a takeover a security threat (Vox)
Oil Speculators (Economist)
Follow up to "Judging Downturns" piece yesterday (Mankiw's blog)
Throwing jellyfish is illegal and hilarious (St. Petersburg Times)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Obama's talk on healthcare
The exact same thing will happen again if a public option were to go forward.
IS-LM links of the day 9-10-09
Truly horrible news about poverty out today (Felix Salmon)
Is it the worst recession since the Great Depression? Yes, but that's a misnomer (Greg Mankiw)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fed releases the Beige Book
Summary: here
Reports from the 12 Federal Reserve Districts indicate that economic activity continued to stabilize in July and August.
Hooray! The worst is behind us. We can celebrate.
Not so fast:
Labor market conditions remained weak across all Districts.
The theme among the drab, bureaucratic jargon seems to be that things may be getting worse, but not nearly as fast as they were. In math terms, the first derivative is still negative but the second derivative has now switched from positive to negative.
Everything is flat: sales, real estate (residential and commercial), tourism, wages (soft though), and agriculture.
Which begs the question: if everything is so bad, what is driving the stock market?
IS-LM links of the day 9-9-09
Ed Glaesar on what we've learned from the housing crisis (NYT)
Capitalism After the Crisis (National Affairs)
Collateralized Death Obligations: Trading in Life Insurance (Felix Salmon)
Greenspan: Market Crisis 'will happen again' (BBC)
Will the demand for assets fall as baby-boomers retire? (CBO)
Why do college kids fail to finish? (NYT)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Unemployment Watch: 09-08-09
My own opinion from the literature (which I buffed up on towards the end of grad school) is that the fiscal multiplier is between -0.5 and 1. That puts it in the realm of the opposite of its desired effect to effectively neutral. Stimulus, then, was perhaps not the best use of our national resources.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Have a great Labour Day Weekend
I wish you the best over the holiday weekend. I plan to get out and enjoy it myself.
IS-LM links of the day 9-4-09
A lot of good recessionary data (Vox)
Unemployment hits 9.7%, higher than consensus (Bloomberg)
No demand, no inflation (The Money Game)
A House built from Legos (via MR)
Not quite the QB of the football team: Central Banks Popularity (Vox)
A thoughtful, Krugman piece of self-loathing on the state of economics (NYT)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
<3 the guys at xkcd
Maybe I'm just too big of a math geek/econonerd, but this David Caruso/Calculus joke was pretty funny.
IS-LM links of the day 9-3-09
The Stimulus seems to be helping (WSJ)
Behaviour economics of dating (Predictably Irrational)
The Economics of Fairy Tales (NYT)
To improve the value of my bachelor's, they should raise the tuition some more (NYT)
British Conservative Leader ringtones